Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) released the following statement congratulating students from Reeths-Puffer High School for their incredible performance and understanding of savings, investment, and the global marketplace.
"The importance of understanding the global marketplace, learning the value of long-term savings, and the significance of sound financial investment cannot… Read more »
Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) announced mobile office hours next week for the City of Muskegon and Muskegon County. Congressman Huizenga will be meeting with constituents individually in a one-on-one setting to help residents with issues they may have with a federal agency. Specialized caseworkers will also be on hand to help deal with any issues concerning the federal… Read more »
On Tuesday, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) will hold a town hall meeting with constituents at Bayberry Farms Village in Wyoming. This will be the Congressman's first town hall in the recently redrawn Second District. Congressman Huizenga will give brief opening remarks and then open the floor for questions from the community. Tuesday's meeting is open to both the public as well as… Read more »
Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI -02) announced the beginning of the 2013 Congressional Art Competition. The competition is open to all Second District high school students looking to share their artistic creativity:
"The Congressional Art Competition is a great way to challenge gifted young artists to compete with other talented individuals from across their district, their state… Read more »
Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) released the following statement after voting in support of The Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills Act (SKILLS Act) that passed the House by a vote of 215 to 202:
"This important legislation will streamline the maze of duplicative and ineffective workforce training programs and combine them into a more user-friendly system that makes… Read more »
Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) released the following statement after learning President Obama has decided to close the White House to the general public:
"It is simply embarrassing that President Obama would decide to close the doors of the White House to the general public, while allowing 'pay to play' access for his friends and high-paying donors. The notion that modest across… Read more »
Rep. Huizenga to snowmobile, hold meetings
The Associated Press
February 19, 2013
Bill Huizenga is hitting the snowmobile trail this week and holding meetings along the way.
The Republican congressman from Zeeland starts his 2013 Congressional Snowmobile Ride on Wednesday in the Baldwin area.
A ride is planned through the Huron-Manistee National Forest and meetings with… Read more »
Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) released the following statement in response to President Obama's State of the Union:
To Watch Congressman Huizenga's Response To President Obama's State of The Union Click HERE
"Folks it's clear, too many in Washington do not believe that we have a spending problem. Tonight, we heard the President call for more spending and higher taxes,… Read more »
Huizenga mobile office hours Wednesday in Hart and Ludington
Ludington Daily News
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga, R-Zeeland, reminded residents he will have mobile office this week for Lake, Mason, Newaygo and Oceana Counties. Huizenga's staff will be on hand at the following locations to assist residents with casework concerning federal tax issues,… Read more »
Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) announced mobile office hours next week for Lake, Mason, Newaygo and Oceana Counties. Congressman Huizenga's staff will be on hand at the following locations to assist residents with casework concerning federal tax issues, veterans' issues, and Social Security. Additionally, staff will be available to address questions regarding legislative matters… Read more »