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My office always accepts applications from college students interested in either full-or part-time internships. Internships are available for the fall and winter/spring terms as well as during the summer in both my Washington, D.C. and Holland offices.

Internships are flexible to work with your school’s class schedules, but internship terms typically run from September to December, January to April, and May to August.

This internship will provide students with the opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of how a congressional office functions. Interns will be able to learn about the legislative process, constituent services, and community outreach by working closely with me and members of my staff. The internship program is open to all college students, regardless of their major.
Application Procedure: Click here for the Internship application. Please submit your completed application, resume, and a brief 250-word essay describing your interest in a congressional internship, including what you expect to learn from your experience, via email to Presley at if you are looking to intern in the District or Will at if you are seeking an internship in my Washington, D.C. Office.

For any additional questions, please email Will in my D.C. Office or Presley in my Holland District Office.

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