We are happy to help you obtain a greeting from the White House for an upcoming special event. Please review the following guidelines carefully and address your request to:
Congressman Bill Huizenga
Re: Presidential Greetings
2232 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C., 20515
- OR -
Fax it to: (202) 226-0779
White House Guidelines for Presidential Greetings:
- U.S. CITIZENS ONLY. The White House will send greetings to United States citizens only, for special occasions as outlined below.
- ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED. Your request must be received six (6) weeks in advance of the event date.
- ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS. Anniversary greetings are extended only to those couples who are celebrating their 50th (and subsequent) wedding anniversary.
- BIRTHDAY GREETINGS. Birthday greetings will be sent only to individuals 80 years of age and above.
- OTHER GREETINGS. A limited number of special occasions other than birthdays and anniversaries exist for which the Greetings Office will send appropriate recognition to United States citizens. These occasions include important events such as:
- Wedding (send your request after the event)
- Baby's Birth (must be born during the current Administration, i.e. during Donald Trump's Presidency from Jan. 20, 2025-Present; send request only after baby's birth)
- Eagle Scout Award
- Girl Scout Gold Award
- Bar/Bat Mitzvah or equivalent occasion
- REQUIRED INFORMATION. Please include the following in your request:
- name and home address of honoree(s)
- form of address (Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., Miss, etc.)
- exact date of occasion (month, day, year)
- age (birthdays) or number of years of marriage
- your (the requestor's) name and daytime phone number
- Wedding (Include couple's married names and current or new address)
- Baby's Birth (Include baby's date of birth and full names and address of baby and parents)
- WHEN TO EXPECT YOUR GREETING. In most cases, greetings will be mailed from the White House approximately ten (10) days prior to the event.