Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) announced mobile office hours next week for Lake, Mason, Newaygo and Oceana Counties. Congressman Huizenga's staff will be on hand at the following locations to assist residents with casework concerning federal tax issues, veterans' issues, and Social Security. Additionally, staff will be available to address questions regarding legislative matters… Read more »
Inauguration Day: Rep. Huizenga invokes Bill Clinton, MLK in congratulating President Obama
MLive - Zane McMillin - January 21, 2013
GRAND RAPIDS, MI — U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Zeeland, invoked former President Bill Clinton and Martin Luther King Jr. in congratulating President Barack Obama on his second inauguration.
Obama took his oath of office at Monday's ceremonial… Read more »
Bill Huizenga warns of 'fiscal cliff' implications for small businesses
MLive - Greg Chandler | The Grand Rapids Press
December 17, 2012
HOLLAND – U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga says small, family-owned businesses could be among those most affected if President Obama and Congress cannot agree on a solution to the so-called “fiscal cliff.
Huizenga, R-Zeeland, illustrated the… Read more »
Negative $4,019
The Obama years have been brutal on middle-class incomes.
The Wall Street Journal
August 24, 2012
The Presidential race is boiling down to one dominant issue: which party's policies will do more to help the financially stressed American middle class. President Obama's campaign theme is that Mitt Romney and the Republicans cater to the rich, while Mr.… Read more »
No, Mr. President, The Private Sector Is Not 'Doing Fine'
The Detroit News
U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga and Robert Genetski
July 19, 2012
The private sector is not doing fine. America's families are not doing fine.
According to a June study by the U.S. Federal Reserve, the average family's net worth dropped by nearly 40 percent between 2007 and 2010. In 2010, median family income… Read more »
Bill Huizenga, Justin Amash part of U.S. House Republicans' symbolic repeal of 'ObamaCare'
Nate Reens
Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 10:26 PM
GRAND RAPIDS, MI – U.S. Reps. Bill Huizenga and Justin Amash, on the day the Supreme Court ruled the Affordable Care Act was constitutional, pledged to vote to repeal the healthcare law at the first opportunity.
That came Wednesday as… Read more »
Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) issued the following statement after the House voted to repeal ObamaCare:
"I wasn't here when ObamaCare was passed, but I am here because the American people wanted change. ObamaCare isn't the solution; it’s a major part of the problem. At a time when well over 12 million Americans are out of work and millions more have given up looking for… Read more »
Earlier today, Rep. Huizenga was on FOX 17 discussing his town hall with Allegan County farmers, the Supreme Court's decision on ObamaCare, and the impact of ObamaCare on West Michigan small businesses. Additionally, Congressman Huizenga explained why House Republicans are moving forward with a full repeal of ObamaCare and touched on the failure of the Democrat-controlled Senate to… Read more »
Rep. Bill Huizenga On Affordable Care Act Ruling: Health Care Tax Hurts Middle Class
MLive Op-Ed
Congressman Bill Huizenga
Thursday, June 28, 2012, 10:12 PM
HOLLAND, MI — In his guest column below, Rep. Bill Huizenga says the Supreme Court made one thing clear on Thursday: The individual mandate component of President Obama's health care plan is a tax.
Huizenga says the… Read more »
Congressman Bill Huizenga released the following statement after the Supreme Court released its landmark decision on ObamaCare:
"Since its inception, Americans have questioned the legality and common-sense of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as ObamaCare. The Administration, including President Obama himself, has argued that the individual mandate… Read more »