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House Passes Huizenga Amendment to Protect Jobs in Allegan, Berrien, and Muskegon Counties From Biden-Harris EPA Regulation

Last night, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 8998, the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, by a vote of 210-205.

This legislation included an amendment from Congressman Huizenga addressing the Biden-Harris EPA's misguided ozone attainment rule that unfairly punishes three West Michigan counties – Berrien, parts of Allegan, and parts of Muskegon – for pollution generated in cities, such as Chicago and Milwaukee, across Lake Michigan that travels to West Michigan.

This EPA rule targeting West Michigan would cost local businesses millions of dollars and likely kill jobs, despite good-faith efforts by our community to protect the Great Lakes and improve air quality. Below is a quote from Congressman Huizenga as well as video of Huizenga’s floor speech prior to the vote.

“Communities along Lake Michigan should not be penalized for pollution they did not generate,” said Congressman Bill Huizenga. “My amendment would stop the Biden-Harris EPA from eliminating jobs and negatively impacting economic activity in Allegan, Berrien, and Muskegon Counties. The EPA should go to the source of the pollution, not punish communities and workers in Michigan.”

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