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Huizenga’s Bipartisan Fiscal Commission Act Passes House Budget Committee

Today, the House Budget Committee successfully passed Congressman Huizenga’s Fiscal Commission Act. The bipartisan Fiscal Commission Act was introduced in September by Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-MI) and Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA). With our nation over $34 trillion in debt, Congressman Huizenga has reached across the aisle and the Capitol to build a bipartisan coalition of Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives as well as the Senate to address our nation’s unsustainable debt. The Senate version of this legislation is led by Senators Joe Manchin and Mitt Romney.

The Fiscal Commission Act establishes a bipartisan commission tasked with creating a series of policy recommendations designed to improve our nation’s fiscal future in the medium term as well as achieve a sustainable debt-to-GDP ratio in the long term. For any recommendations related to federal programs for which a federal trust fund exists, the Commission must improve their solvency for a period of 75 years. Additionally, this legislation requires the commission’s proposal to receive an expedited vote in both the House and the Senate.

Following today’s action by the House Budget Committee, Congressman Huizenga, Congressman Peters, and House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington held a press conference on the Fiscal Commission Act. Below are video and text of Congressman Huizenga following the Budget Committee passing the Fiscal Commission Act.

Congressman Huizenga (R-MI): For some, doing nothing is an option. To me that is simply not an option. We must have the courage to move forward and have the difficult discussions. We need to hear solutions from all candidates from the President on down [to tackle our debt]. Interest payments are robbing our opportunities whether it is in the defense department or social services or wherever it may be in other parts of the federal government. You need relationships to build trust and you need trust to go find solutions. This truly is an effort built on relationships and trust and we are going to find those solutions and offer them up.

Congressman Peters (D-CA): “In the next 10 years, we will spend more on interest on our debt than on defense or Medicaid. This commission allows us to finally address the unsustainable debt that endangers our children’s future. I want an expanded child tax credit. I want affordable child care and college education. I want investments in our clean energy future. All of these priorities are threatened if we cannot have frank discussions about our spending and revenues to get our fiscal house in order. I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get this legislation passed in both chambers and signed by the President.”

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT): “We applaud the House Budget Committee – under the leadership of Chairman Arrington – and Representatives Peters and Huizenga for advancing this commonsense legislation, which would establish a bipartisan, bicameral commission to identify solutions that bring us back to a sustainable fiscal outlook. We also appreciate Speaker Johnson’s continued support for this effort. Taking immediate, corrective action to reverse this catastrophic financial demise of our own making will help ensure that our children and grandchildren are not burdened by our poor fiscal choices. We will continue working with our colleagues on both sides of the aisle – in both chambers – to get this critical, practical legislation across the finish line and signed into law.”

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