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Weekly Column: Countering Communist China

Over the past year, China has made a concerted effort to make in-roads in the Western Hemisphere and take increasingly aggressive actions internationally. It is clear that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is actively expanding its global reach. As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC), I have been working to address this growing concern.

In fact, last month, HFAC passed my bipartisan legislation designed to strengthen our alliance with Australia and deter China. H.R. 4619 would allow the sale of up to two conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered Virginia Class Submarines to Australia. This bill serves as an opportunity for $3 billion of investment from the Australians into our domestic submarine industrial base while putting safeguards in place to ensure American military needs are prioritized. This partnership creates a new level of maritime interoperability in the face of growing CCP influence.

Another area I have been actively engaged in is countering CCP activities in the Arctic. Recent reporting indicates that Chinese and Russian warships conducted maneuvers off the coast of Alaska, and Russian military planes flew in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone surrounding the US and Canada. In June, I sent a letter to Secretary of State Blinken asking him to reevaluate the US’s approach to Arctic security. In July, I authored an amendment to the House-passed National Defense Authorization Act requiring a report to Congress detailing the Russian and Chinese military activities and assets deployed in the Arctic Region. It has become increasingly clear that Russia is acting as a vassal state for China, which is looking to expand its influence in the region.

Here at home, I have spoken out against CCP-tied entities purchasing land near U.S. military installations, buying up farmland, and building factories in Michigan. China’s continued aggressive intent cannot go unchecked and cannot be ignored.

If you or someone you know needs help navigating a federal agency, please contact my office in Holland at (616) 251-6741, my office in Portage at (269) 569-8595, or my office in Washington at (202) 225-4401. My team and I are here and eager to assist you.

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