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Weekly Column: Lowering Costs, Reducing Red Tape

In its first year, the Biden Administration finalized regulations that added more than $200 billion in new regulatory costs. These increased costs have weighed down our economy various ways, but ultimately, the costs associated with these regulations were passed on to Southwest Michigan families and consumers in the form of higher prices. In 2022, President Biden only accelerated his costly agenda by proposing more than $1 trillion in new regulations. To stop this explosion of red tape and the price increases attached to it, House Republicans passed, and I supported, the REINS Act of 2023.

The REINS Act is a commonsense measure that places an important check on the overzealous, out-of-touch bureaucrats in Washington. The bill requires any “major rule” proposed by an executive branch agency to be approved by both the House as well as the Senate before it goes into effect. This restores accountability to Washington by having elected representatives, who answer to the American people, determine which major regulations are truly necessary.

The base text of the REINS Act defines a “major rule” in three unique ways. First, if any rule or regulation has an impact on the economy of $100 million annually it is viewed as a major rule. Secondly, if a rule or regulation were to dramatically increase the price of a specific good or service for consumers or for a specific industry it would also be subject to the REINS Act. And lastly, this legislation would also require congressional approval if the proposed rule or regulation were to have significant adverse effects on the ability of American job creators to compete, innovate, or produce their good or service.

Now, the Senate must pass the REINS Act to stop bureaucratic overreach that is slowing our economy and raising costs on individuals, families, and small business job creators in Southwest Michigan and across the nation.

If you need help navigating a federal agency, please visit Huizenga.House.Gov or call my office in Holland at (616) 251-6741 or in Washington at (202) 225-4401 so we can assist you. 

This column originally appeared in the Tri-City Record on June 29th. 

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