Weekly Column: Working for SW Michigan
May 26, 2023
While our country faces a host of challenges, the Republican-led House has put forward tangible solutions to the difficulties we face. For example, on April 26th my House Republican colleagues and I passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act. This legislation would address the debt ceiling and rein in Washington’s out of control spending with reasonable measures. As negotiations continue, it has been clear the Democrat-led Senate cannot pass their own debt ceiling bill. If it could, the Senate already would have done so. In divided government neither side will get everything they want, but there must be a willingness to deliver meaningful results. While the window is closing, I believe there is still time to achieve this goal. On March 30th, the House passed the Lower Energy Costs Act. This legislation would increase domestic energy production, enhance our nation’s energy security, and lower energy prices by modernizing the permitting process and repealing the “heat your home” tax. On May 11th, the House passed the Secure the Border Act. This measure is viewed as the strongest border security bill to pass the House in the modern era. Through increased personnel, enhanced technology, and improved resources, we can properly secure our border, stop human trafficking, and reduce the flow of deadly drugs entering Southwest Michigan. Also on April 26th, the House Financial Services Committee passed my bill, H.R. 1579 by a vote of 41-2. This legislation will help small businesses in Berrien County gain access to capital by modernizing the definition of an accredited investor. Modifying this requirement will have a meaningful impact in terms of opportunity and small business growth. We don’t need Southwest Michigan to be more like Washington, we need Washington to be more like Southwest Michigan. This is why I am working to bring commonsense solutions to our nation’s capital that will make Berrien County an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. If you need help navigating a federal agency, please visit Huizenga.House.Gov or call my office in Holland at (616) 251-6741 or in Washington at (202) 225-4401 so we can assist you. |