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Weekly Column: 100 Days of Serving Southwest Michigan

This week marks 100 days since I began serving Michigan’s 4th Congressional District. In this time, we’ve been very busy in the House – having passed more than 59 bills and held over 235 hearings in which Biden officials testified. From establishing a Select Committee on China to passing our top priority, the Lower Energy Costs Act, many big initiatives have been put into motion.

Tuesday represented a day most Michiganders dread – Tax Day. One of the first actions House Republicans took was to pass legislation rescinding the funding that former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Biden enacted to hire 87,000 IRS Agents. Despite claims otherwise, recent reports from Politico and National Review detail how the IRS will have its largest work force since the 1990’s and I continue to believe these new employees will be turned loose on low- and middle-income taxpayers. I think we need more men and women securing the border not at the IRS harassing hardworking taxpayers.

Additionally, as a parent of five wonderful kids, I fully understand how crucial it is for parents to have a voice in their child’s education. That is why I helped introduce and voted in support of the Parents Bill of Rights Act. This important legislation puts in place concrete legal protections that empower parents and legal guardians to work with school officials to achieve the best outcome possible for their children.

Despite only being in control of just one lever in the legislative process, House Republicans have led the charge to get President Biden to end the National Covid Emergency and even reverse his soft on crime policy for a moment regarding Washington, D.C.

In reality, in only 100 days, my Republican Colleagues and I have not only changed how Washington operates, we are delivering on the promises we made in our Commitment to America as well as the promises I made to Southwest Michigan.

If you need help navigating a federal agency, please visit Huizenga.House.Gov or call my office in Holland at (616) 251-6741 or in Washington at (202) 225-4401 so we can assist you. 

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