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Huizenga Slams President Biden’s Inaction on US-Canada Border

Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI), Co-Chair of the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group released the following statement after the Biden Administration quietly extended travel restrictions between the U.S. and Canada until August 21st.

“The Biden Administration’s failure to develop a plan to reopen the border between the United States and Canada is not only embarrassing it highlights President Biden’s inability to lead. Families in Michigan and across the nation have been separated from their loved ones in Canada for 17 months. President Biden’s inaction is also stifling the economic recovery of communities in Michigan, New York, and states that share a border with Canada. An estimate by the U.S. Travel Association has found that President Biden’s border closure is costing the U.S. Economy $340 million per week. Michiganders deserve a President who will fight for them, not one that keeps them separated from their loved ones, lowers their standard of living, and threatens their livelihood.”

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