Huizenga Votes in Support of Michigan Farmers
December 12, 2018
Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) released the following statement after voting in support of bipartisan legislation to strengthen agricultural production and support family farms in West Michigan.
“Agriculture is a critical component of Michigan’s economy. This bipartisan bill will support family farmers, producers, and growers across West Michigan by making it easier for their products to reach local farm markets as well as create new opportunities for grown in Michigan products to be served across the globe. The farm bill also ensures programs like ‘Double Up Bucks’ are properly funded to help low-income Michigan families have access to fresh, Michigan grown fruits and vegetables at farm markets. “Additionally, this legislation also strengthens risk management tools for dairy producers, enhances specialty crop research and production, improves water infrastructure and quality, expands broadband access in rural communities, and supports conservation efforts across the Great Lakes region. While this bipartisan farm bill makes important strides in addressing several issues impacting West Michigan, it is my hope that we can build on this progress to reform the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for able-bodied adults without dependents in the future.” This legislation has already passed the Senate and will now head to the President’s desk for his signature. |