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Huizenga, Kaptur Lead Bipartisan Effort to Stop Spread of Asian Carp, Protect Great Lakes

Today, House Great Lakes Task Force Co-Chairs Bill Huizenga (R-MI) and Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) were joined by Senate Great Lakes Co-Chair Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) in leading the bipartisan introduction of the Stop Asian Carp Now Act. This legislation will compel to the Trump Administration to release the Brandon Road Study within seven days of the bill’s enactment. The Brandon Road Lock and Dam study will provide important guidance on how best to prevent Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes and is an important hurdle before further action can be taken. The Stop Asian Carp Now Act is cosponsored and supported by 31 members of the House and seven Senators. The entire Michigan congressional delegation is in support of this measure.

"The threat Asian Carp pose to the Great Lakes both ecologically and economically is clear,” said Congressman Huizenga. “As policymakers, it is critical that we have the best information available to protect the Great Lakes. Delaying the release of the completed Brandon Road study only shortens the window we have to address this growing problem. I urge the Trump Administration to release this important study so we can determine the best path forward in stopping the spread of this destructive and invasive species."

“The Administration can’t explain why we have waited since February for a report that cost taxpayers $6 million. We should be aggressively pursuing action to prevent the spread of the Asian Carp to the Great Lakes, yet the roadmap to getting there is sitting on a shelf somewhere in the Army Corps of Engineers,” said Congresswoman Kaptur. “This bipartisan bill to force the release of the Brandon Road Study once and for all will help us all move forward to protecting our Great Lakes.”

“It’s incredibly irresponsible for the Trump Administration to continue to block the Army Corps from releasing a crucial plan to address the threat of Asian carp to our Great Lakes,” said Senator Stabenow. “Our Great Lakes are so essential to our economy and our way of life in Michigan. Our bipartisan bill would require the Administration to release the report immediately so we can move forward with a permanent solution.”

Congressman Huizenga continues to build bipartisan support for the Great Lakes. Earlier this month, Reps. Huizenga and Kaptur met with regional Great Lakes reporters in the U.S. Capitol to discuss the importance of the Great Lakes as well as bipartisan solutions, such as the Stop Asian Carp Now Act, to strengthen and preserve the Great Lakes.

The 31 cosponsors in the House so far are: Huizenga (MI-02), Joyce (OH-14), Slaughter (NY-25), Nolan (MN-08), Trott (MI-11), Bergman (MI-01), Moolenaar (MI-04), Walberg (MI-07), Kildee (MI-05), Upton (MI-06), Schneider (IL-10), Mike Bishop (MI-08), Dingell (MI-12), Lawrence (MI-14), Walz (MN-01), Quigley (IL-05), Tim Ryan (OH-13), Conyers (MI-13), Moore (WI-04), Amash (MI-03), Gallagher (WI-08), Chris Collins (NY-27), Schakowsky (IL-09), Mitchell (MI-10), Duffy (WI-07), Pocan (WI-02), Levin (MI-09), Fudge (OH-11), Stefanik (NY-21), Latta (OH-05) and Brian Higgins (NY-26).

The seven cosponsors in the Senate so far are Senators Peters (D-MI), Durbin (D-IL), Baldwin (D-WI), Brown (D-OH), Franken (D-MN), Duckworth (D-IL) and Klobuchar (D-MN).
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