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Huizenga: Let's Get Serious About Cutting Spending

Congressman Bill Huizenga: Let's get serious about spending
MLive - Dave Alexander
January 7, 2013

MUSKEGON, MI – Congressman Bill Huizenga emphasized with MLive readers in a live chat Monday morning that his concern is not a new federal tax bill but now legislation that will rein in federal spending.

Huizenga, R-Zeeland, came off an intense week in Washington ending his first term and beginning his second term in the U.S. House of Representatives. Huizenga voted against the fiscal cliff compromise signed by President Barack Obama that allowed taxes to be raised on the highest income Americans but made Bush-era tax cuts permanent on vast numbers of middle and lower income earners.

Now Huizenga and Republican members of the House want the debate on the spending side of the equation as Washington faces another showdown on raising the federal debt limit, dealing with massive budget cuts scheduled to take place and a continuing resolution on federal government spending. The end of February should look even more chaotic than this past end of December, Huizenga and others are predicting.

“As corny as it can sound, we need to look at everything with an eye to whether we need program X, Y or Z badly enough that we should borrow the money from outside sources,” Huizenga wrote in his chat with MLive readers.

“The military needs to be under the same scrutiny as any other program. However, short-term cuts cannot and will not balance the books. We need long-term entitlement reform for real change. I'm not afraid of that discussion,” he wrote about addressing rising costs in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as the Baby Boomer generation ages.

Asked if he was willing to risk American default on its looming debt by not approving the federal debt ceiling unless Congress and the president can decide on an appropriate spending plan, Huizenga seems unwilling to create a potential worldwide financial crisis to drive a sustainable deal.

“Unfortunately, I'm not sure D.C. can pull off a 'grand bargain’ to address all of these issues,” Huizenga wrote. “There is such an entrenched mentality of protecting programs and ‘turf’ that real cuts will be very difficult. The debt ceiling is about honoring our past spending obligations. First and foremost, I want to make sure we don't add to the problem.”

But financial issues of federal taxation, budget and debt were not the only things on reader’s minds. Here are a few of the exchanges:

MLive asked: What should be the federal government response to the elementary school shootings in Connecticut?

Bill Huizenga: As a father of five, including a son the exact same age, I was horrified as was all America. We need to make sure we have a rational response and make sure that it is not simply a knee-jerk reaction to a horrible crime. I believe we need to address all areas of violence and a culture that does not respect life. Obviously, mental health issues as well what is causing these kids to do such horrible acts need to be addressed.

Sean Mullally asked: Muskegon Community College is currently seeking funding sources for needed upgrades to the science department and other facility modernization. Is there any prospect of federal support for this project?

Bill Huizenga: Sean, the unfortunate reality is the likelyhood is very low for Federal funding. As you know, Community Colleges are a huge asset to communities but they tend to be State of Michigan responsibility.
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