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Huizenga Statement on Passage of Free Trade Agreements

Congress has passed three Free Trade Agreements, with South Korea, Panama and Colombia, that will support up to 250,000 new American jobs, level the playing field for American companies and increase exports of U.S. goods by $13 billion.

 “These Free Trade Agreements open the door to hundreds of thousands of new jobs and billions of dollars of new sales opportunities for American companies. This shows that, when given economic freedom, it’s the private sector that creates lasting job growth and a strong, healthy economy. These are just the kinds of initiatives that – without spending taxpayer dollars – will help restore economic security to our country and Michigan, and put Americans back to work,” said U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga, MI-02, who voted for all three.

 The bipartisan-supported job-creating trade agreements are a cornerstone of the House Republicans’ jobs agenda, the Plan for America’s Job Creators.

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