Huizenga Comments on Vote to Protect Economy from Cyber Attacks
April 27, 2012
U.S. Rep. Huizenga released the following statement regarding his vote in support of H.R. 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act: "I proudly supported H.R. 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. Every day, U.S. companies report being the victim of cyber espionage. These sophisticated hackers attempt to and are often successful at stealing client lists, merger and acquisition data, pricing information, and research and development data estimated at upwards of $400 billion a year, and costing American jobs. The government has the ability to protect itself against cyber attacks, but the private sector doesn't receive this benefit. With this bill, valuable information about malware, viruses, malicious code, and other attempts at breaching sensitive client data can be shared between companies in the private sector and with the government in order to safeguard our financial system, protect American jobs, and keep our electrical grid safe. CISPA is voluntary. Businesses must choose to share information about cybersecurity threats. The government can only use the data to fight cybersecurity or defend national security. Facebook, Intel, Microsoft, and many Silicon Valley companies actively support this bill as well. Most importantly, the bill does not infringe on one's constitutional rights, but it does protect commerce and national security." |