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Huizenga Applauds Michigan’s Recovery, Lowest Unemployment Rate Since 2008

 U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga applauded Michigan’s recovery, most recently marked by the lowest unemployment rate since 2008:

 “Michigan is a great example of recovery, and I hope the President and Senate Democrats take note. Not only did we balance the budget and see a surplus in one year, after a decade of poor economic outlook, Michigan now have the lowest unemployment rate since 2008. I understand the work isn’t done, we want that number even lower, and we can’t forget all the folks who left Michigan or simply stopped looking for work. But this is the latest in a series of good economic news that I think Washington can learn a thing or two from. I will continue to highlight this on Capitol Hill, and I applaud Governor Snyder and the state government for their example of fiscal discipline and pro-growth policies,” Huizenga said.


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