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Huizenga Votes to Protect Life

U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga, MI-02, today voted for the Protect Life Act, which ensures taxpayer dollars won’t pay for abortions, and protects a doctor’s right to not perform abortions.

In a speech on the House floor tonight, Huizenga said, “This is about life and protecting that life, and making sure that our healthcare providers have the ability to say no to a procedure they don’t want to perform.”

Watch the entire speech here.

H.R. 358:

·         Amends Obamacare to prohibit federal funds from being used to cover any part of the costs of any health plan that includes coverage of abortion services.

·         Requires any plan offered through an exchange that includes coverage for abortions to also offer a qualified health benefit plan through the exchange that is identical in every way except that it does not cover abortions.

·         Prohibits requiring any health plan created or regulated under Obamacare to discriminate against any health care entity based on the entity's refusal to perform an abortion or refer to another entity that will perform an abortion.

This bill would codify the ban President Obama signed as an executive order.

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