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Huizenga, Dingell, Joyce, and Kaptur Urge Illinois to End Delays at Brandon Road

Today, U.S. Representatives Bill Huizenga (R-MI), Debbie Dingell (D-MI), Dave Joyce (R-OH), and Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), the co-chairs of the bipartisan House Great Lakes Task Force released the following statement regarding the State of Illinois delaying work and development at the Brandon Road Lock and Dam for invasive carp prevention, thereby jeopardizing the health and economy of the Great Lakes.

“As co-chairs of the Great Lakes Task Force, we urge the state of Illinois to promptly sign the necessary documents and end further delays in the critical ecosystem protection construction at the Brandon Road Lock and Dam. This project is essential to prevent the spread of invasive carp throughout the Great Lakes. Both Illinois and Michigan signed the project partnership agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2024, now Illinois must take action to allow construction to proceed. Failing to do so puts the future of the Great Lakes ecosystem—and the multi-trillion-dollar economy it supports—at serious risk.”

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