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Weekly Column: My Response to the State of the Union

Last week, President Biden made the decision to give a speech filled with campaign rhetoric rather than deliver a unifying, “City on a Hill” State of the Union Address.


The President’s speech was tailored to a narrow audience and missed the mark with most Americans. On the topic of border security, President Biden attempted to shift the blame from his own failed, open border policies. While the President pointed to a bill proposed in the Senate, the reality is the Senate failed to pass this legislation or any other border security bill. In fact, the House passed the strongest border security bill in the modern era roughly 10 months ago and the Senate hasn’t even held a vote on it.


Additionally, the President could improve our nation’s border security today by simply reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” Policy that he removed when he came into office. Illegal border crossings would be reduced by an estimated 70% if it were reinstated. House Republicans have put forward meaningful legislation to address this crisis and secure our border. It’s past time for the Senate to debate this important legislation and for President Biden to work with House Republicans to address this crisis.


While inflation has increased overall by more than 17% and (over 20% for food) since President Biden took office, I unfortunately must disagree with the President’s claim that our economy has never been stronger. Too many individuals, family farms, and small businesses are struggling to make ends meet. In the “Biden Economy,” Southwest Michigan is paying more, but getting less. This is why I have been working to lower energy costs and increase affordability for families and job creators across Southwest Michigan.


We need to ask ourselves: Are we better off under President Biden? Are we safer? Are we more prosperous? He says so, but I believe the majority of people in Southwest Michigan do not feel this in their gut or in their checkbook.


If you need assistance navigating a federal agency, please contact my office in Holland at (616) 251-6741 or in Portage at (269) 569-8595.

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