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Weekly Column: Republicans Offer a Responsible Approach to the Debt Limit

Last week, House Republicans came together to pass responsible legislation to raise the debt ceiling and rein in Washington’s out of control spending.  By passing the Limit, Save, Grow Act, the House proposed the only current plan to address the debt limit and our nation’s fiscal future.

According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the Limit, Save, Grow Act will reduce spending by $4.8 trillion over the next 10 years by recouping unspent covid funding, capping future spending growth at 1%, and rolling back the federal spending associated with massive green new deal giveaways. Sadly, instead of solutions, negotiations, or counter proposals,  Democrats in Congress and the Biden Administration have stooped to flat out lying about the bill.

The Limit, Save, Grow Act does NOT cut funding to the VA budget or benefits for veterans. It is shameful that some in Washington have resorted to this absolute slander. My Republican colleagues and I have and continue to prioritize our veterans as well as the care our men and women who have served this nation receive. There is room for discussing policy differences, but I will not allow the Biden Administration to mischaracterize what this legislation will mean for constituents across Michigan’s 4th Congressional District - especially our veterans. These antics surrounding the VA follow another lie by the left regarding the debt ceiling and cuts to Social Security and Medicare. The Limit, Save, Grow Act does not cut these vital safety nets. Furthermore, the bill ensures strong defense funding and protects Social Security and Medicare. 

In reality, the Limit, Save, Grow Act ensures overall discretionary spending is capped at the same level the federal government was operating under in December of 2022 – just five months ago. With our national debt over $31,000,000,000,000, we must act. This commonsense legislation provides an important step in the right direction. It’s time for the President to come to the table and negotiate.

If you need help navigating a federal agency, please visit Huizenga.House.Gov or call my office in Holland at (616) 251-6741or in Washington at (202) 225-4401 so we can assist you.  

This column originally appeared in the Tri-City Record on May 4th. 


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