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Huizenga Cosponsors Legislation to Rehire Troops Discharged Over Biden Vaccine Mandate

On Tuesday, Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI) announced his support for the Vaccine Mandate Reenlistment Act. This legislation would require the Secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force to reinstate, at their previous rank, the soldiers, sailors, Airmen and Marines who separated from service following President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate. The legislation was introduced by Republican Congressman Brian Mast of Florida who is a native of West Michigan and a U.S. Army Veteran.

“Members of the military should not have been discharged from our Armed Forces for exercising their religious or medical freedom,” said Congressman Bill Huizenga. “This legislation helps those who have defended our freedom and honorably served our nation continue to do so.” 

“Vaccine mandates have been used by the Biden Administration to wipe critical thinkers and conservative perspectives out of our military, and America is less safe as a result,” said Congressman Brian Mast. “This bill will strengthen military readiness, as well as get these young men and women back doing what they love: serving our nation.”

To date, approximately 3,350 soldiers, roughly the equivalent of three battalions, have declined to get the vaccine and are at risk of being discharged from the Army this week.  More than 100 Marines were separated from service and dozens of sailors were removed from the Navy’s ranks in December.  Out of the thousands of religious and medical exemptions requested by members of the military, only two have been granted.

The text of the Vaccine Mandate Reenlistment Act is available to read and review here.

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