Huizenga: Enforcing the Law, Defending Veterans Should Be A Top Priority For The Justice Department
June 1, 2016
Tonight, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) released the following statement after the Obama Administration announced it would not enforce laws signed by President Obama to reform the VA:
"It is an absolute outrage that the Attorney General of the United States has made the decision to not defend legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama that holds employees at the VA accountable for their actions. The very notion that the former head of the Phoenix VA - who is now a felon - could get her job back is an affront to our veterans and the hardworking people at the VA who are trying to deliver the care our men and women deserve. "Congress passed the Veterans Choice Act in 2014 to give our veterans the ability to seek care from a private physician while also holding bureaucrats who were not making the care of our veterans their top priority accountable. The Justice Department must faithfully defend the law as written. Failing to do so undermines the very legislation President Obama signed into law." Background: