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Huizenga Statement on Passage of K-12 Education Reform Legislation

Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga released the following statement after voting in support of the Every Student Succeeds Act, which passed the House by a vote of 359-64:

“For too long, decisions made in Washington that impact our children have been made by bureaucrats who have never set foot in a Michigan classroom. That’s the wrong approach and frankly, that’s not how our government is designed to operate. The Every Student Succeeds Act allows Michigan to opt out of common core without fear of being penalized, replaces the failed one-size-fits-all system implemented by ‘No Child Left Behind,’ and provides the opportunity to put our children’s education back in the hands of those who know them best – their parents and teachers. Overall, this important reform legislation is a positive step forward that finally begins to restore control over K-12 education to our local school districts.”
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