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Huizenga: Our Veterans Deserve Better

Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) released the following statement after voting in support of H.R. 4031, the Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act:

"The very idea that employees at the VA are cooking the books instead of providing patient-centered care for veterans is appalling. The fact that evidence continues to emerge detailing how the use of administrative gimmicks is seemingly a widespread practice is beyond inexcusable.

"H.R. 4031 grants the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs the ability to remove an individual from federal service entirely, or transfer them to a General Schedule position within the civil service system. It's time to restore accountability to the VA. While this bill is not a cure all, it is a long overdue step in the right direction. I hope President Obama will act swiftly and accordingly once the Inspector General's report is released. Our veterans deserve better results and better care than what this Administration is providing."
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