Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) delivered a speech on the House floor detailing the negative impacts of ObamaCare and how Hispanic Michiganders are even more adversely impacted by soaring costs.
(Click on the picture above to watch the full speech)
• Back in Michigan, the Second District is home to more Latino citizens than any other Congressional District in the State of Michigan. And like thousands of other residents across Michigan, Hispanic Michiganders are forced to deal with higher costs, the potential loss of their doctor, and cancelled insurance policies - all because of ObamaCare.
• After being delayed for two months, the Administration finally unveiled its Spanish Language website that contained an embarrassing amount of "Spanglish." Frankly, it's insulting that the Administration would simply make up words rather than provide an accurate translation of the President's signature achievement.
• Latinos are more adversely impacted by soaring premiums because the median age of the Hispanic population is 10 years younger than the national average. Therefore Hispanics are seeing their premiums soar as ObamaCare shifts the cost to younger Americans.
• The focus of the debate needs to be on patient centered solutions that not only lower cost but deliver high quality care to more citizens. One thing we can all agree on, in any language, is that ObamaCare is off the mark.