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GOP Freshmen Hold Pro-Jobs Press Conference on “888”

Washington, D.C., September 30, 2011 | Lauren Phillips ((202) 225-4401)

Call on the Senate to Join House Efforts to Turn Around our Economy

Washington, D.C. – October 4, 2011, marked 888 days since the U.S. Senate passed a budget. There are also more than a dozen pro-jobs bills that have passed the House, many with bipartisan support, that are still awaiting a vote in the Senate. Rep. Bill Huizenga, MI-02, and thirty-five GOP Freshmen called on the Senate to act and join the House in its efforts to turn around our economy.

"Imagine what any family or business's finances would look like after nearly 2.5 years without a budget. Spending more than we have is what got us into this $14.3 trillion mess and got the U.S.'s credit rating downgraded," Huizenga said. "The House has passed numerous pro-jobs bills and the long-term budget plans rating agencies say this country needs. The ball is in the Senate's court."

See the freshmen's message, attached.





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