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Congressman Huizenga's frequently holds telephone town halls. To participate in future tele-town halls, or receive Congressman Huizenga's official newsletter, called the "Huizenga Huddle," please sign up below.


Congressman Huizenga's official e-newsletter is known as the "Huizenga Huddle." In each edition of the Huddle, Congressman Huizenga provides an update on his votes, issues being discussed in Washington, and recent events that have taken place in Southwest Michigan or our nation's capital. To subscribe to the Huizenga Huddle, please provide your email below. 

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How the telephone town hall works.
 Fourth District residents who sign up to participate in a telephone town hall with Congressman Huizenga will receive a call shortly after the designated time from Rep. Huizenga. These calls typically include thousands of residents from across Southwest Michigan. If you would like to ask a question during the tele-town hall simply press "*3" on your phone and you will be connected to a member of the Congressman's staff. 

* Denotes required information to participate in the telephone town hall. By filling out this form, you are opting-in to the "Huizenga Huddle," Congressman Huizenga's eNewsletter.

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