The State of The Union
On Tuesday, President Obama unveiled multiple proposals to raise taxes on middle class families in West Michigan and across the nation. Three of the most damaging tax increases proposed by the President are:
- Enacting a new tax on West Michigan families trying to save for their children's college education.
- Raising taxes on innovators, entrepreneurs, and small business owners that will negatively impact investment and job creation.
- Increasing the "Death Tax" on West Michigan farmers which will make it more difficult for the next generation of local farmers to feed families across America.
Prior to the State of the Union, I posted a short video on Facebook discussing what I was hoping to hear from the President ... unfortunately, that is not what the President delivered.
Following the address, I spoke to CSPAN about the President's rose-colored glasses view of the economy and some of the bipartisan reforms that can and need to be made to Dodd-Frank. You can watch the short interview here.
Promoting a Culture of Life
On Thursday, I joined thousands of Americans in a passionate discussion about protecting the lives of the unborn. Pro-life issues are near and dear to my heart. It was truly inspiring to see so many young people, from West Michigan and across the nation, come to DC and make their voice known on this important issue.
Additionally, the House passed legislation to prevent taxpayer funding from being used to pay for abortions. Despite promises made by President Obama, taxpayer dollars are being used to pay for more than 1,000 plans on the ObamaCare Exchange that cover abortion. American taxpayers should never be forced to violate their conscience and pay for abortions. I am hopeful that the Republican-led Senate will consider this legislation accordingly to prevent the misuse of taxpayer dollars.
2015 Congressional Snowmobile Ride
It's that time of year! This Thursday and Friday, Dr. Dan Benishek and I will be snowmobiling across the 1st and 2nd Congressional Districts.
If you don't have a snowmobile you can still participate. I will be holding town hall meetings at every stop we make. I am happy to grab a cup of coffee and address any questions or concerns you may have.
Below is the schedule for the Second District portion of the ride on Thursday. There is a chance some adjustments may need to be made because of the weather, so make sure to stay up to date by checking my Facebook page.
- 8 AM: Gear up at the Full Moon Diner & Saloon in Muskegon. After meeting with constituents and after having a cup of coffee (or two) we plan to hit the sleds at 9.
- 9:15 AM: Town hall meeting at the VFW in Montague. While this meeting is designed for veterans, all are welcome to attend.
The list for Friday's snowmobile stops will be available shortly on the web at
Floor Update
Recently, the House has passed several pieces of legislation, in addition to the pro-life legislation, that I wanted to keep you apprised of.
- House Passes Huizenga Jobs Bill: The House passed my legislation to streamline and simplify regulations on small businesses as part of the first jobs package sent to the Senate. This jobs bill is the first piece of legislation to pass the House by a member of the Michigan Delegation and the idea for the bill came from a West Michigan resident. Learn more about how this jobs legislation will impact West Michigan here.
- House Overhauls Suicide Prevention Program For Veterans: We cannot fail our men and women in uniform when they come home. We need to make sure our veterans receive the proper care to meet their needs. I am glad the House unanimously passed this needed legislation and I urge the Senate to do the same. You can read more about this important legislation on Stars & Stripes.
Senate Side
Did you know: In one week, the Republican-led Senate has held more amendment votes than the Senate did under Harry Reid's leadership in all of 2014? It's true and you can get the details here.
Huddle Exclusive
I am working on including more content that can only be found in this newsletter. Think of it as a "behind the scenes" look at what is happening in Washington and how I am working on behalf of West Michigan. For the first Huddle Exclusive, here is a look at the oath of office I signed after being sworn in.
Michigan Minute