Answering Your Questions
Last week, I held two separate telephone town halls with residents across the Second District. Questions asked during the town hall ranged from tax policy to the VA and foreign policy topics such as Iran. I will be holding another town hall on Thursday, July 23rd at 7:15 PM. You can sign up to join the conversation here.
Telephone town halls are a way for me to communicate with you and provide an update on how the policy decisions in Washington impact West Michigan. I strongly encourage everyone who is reading the Huddle to participate in the telephone town hall as well. I want to hear from you!
I am deeply concerned the Obama Administration has continued to move the goalposts for Iran, the world's top exporter of state sponsored terrorism, to reach a "deal." On Wednesday morning, I spoke at length with Neal Dionne about this nuclear agreement. You can listen to the interview here.
Moving forward, I will be thoroughly reviewing the agreement negotiated between the Obama Administration, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, China, and Iran. The top priority of this agreement should have been to keep America and our allies in the region safe. I am skeptical the Obama Administration has been able to achieve that and the more I review the agreement the more concerned I become. You can review the agreement yourself by clicking here.
Investigating Planned Parenthood
I was deeply disturbed by new allegations that Planned Parenthood abortion clinics not only profit from the intentional destruction of unborn children, but also sell fetal body parts to tissue brokers.
The sale of fetal body parts for profit is illegal. This incredibly disturbing revelation is more than enough for Congress to launch an investigation into the practices of Planned Parenthood and the companies that are involved with the Planned Parenthood clinics.
I will continue to keep you updated on how the investigation progresses as well as the fight to prevent Planned Parenthood from receiving taxpayer dollars.
Reining In The Federal Reserve
On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen testified before the Financial Services Committee. I had the opportunity to ask Chair Yellen her thoughts on the Fed adopting a rules-based approach to how it makes decisions regarding monetary policy. I think it is important the Federal Reserve adhere to a set of principles, not just make it up as they go along. You can watch the exchange here.
In the coming weeks, I will be releasing my legislation to reform the Federal Reserve. One of the major overarching goals of this bill will be to make the Fed more transparent and more accountable to the American people. I spoke with Gary Stevens on WHTC about the Fed and my effort to reform the institution, as well as Iran, and prison reform yesterday afternoon. You can listen to the interview here.
Restoring Local Control of Education
Last week, the House passed the Student Success Act. This legislation reduces the federal footprint in education and places control of taxpayer funds back in the hands of the state of Michigan - where it belongs. By restoring authority to our local education leaders they’re able to make the necessary decisions for our students, not Washington bureaucrats.
The Student Success Act also prevents the Secretary of Education from coercing states to adopt any common standards or assessments put forth by the federal government, such as Common Core. The bill also supports local efforts to measure teacher effectiveness and engages parents in their child's education, while strengthening opportunities for students to achieve.
There is plenty more work to be done in terms of getting the federal government out of the classroom, but the Student Success Act is a step in the right direction. You can read more about the reforms made by the Student Success Act here.
The Michigan Minute