The Huizenga Huddle
February 23, 2017
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U.S. Congressman Bill Huizenga
The Huizenga Huddle:  Feb. 23, 2017

Town Hall Update

On Saturday at noon, I will be holding the first stop on my town hall listening tour at Baldwin High School in Lake County. This will be the first stop on the tour because I had originally promised to host a town hall in Lake County during the Congressional Snowmobile Ride. Sadly, we had to cancel the ride this year due to a lack of snow. I look forward to hearing from you and answering your questions.

Additionally, my team and I are working to plan a second listening tour stop in early March in the southern portion of the district. With President Trump giving his first State of the Union address on February 28th, I am sure there will be a multitude of topics West Michigan residents will want to discuss with regards to the President's address. Once plans for the second listening tour stop are finalized I will be sure to announce it on Facebook, my website, and here in the Huddle. 

For more details on Saturday's town hall, click here

Infrastructure & The Economy

The economic importance of the Great Lakes cannot be understated. In addition to being a vital natural resource, they are also the source for tens of millions of jobs. A critical element of the Great Lakes economy are the Soo Locks. Senator Debbie Stabenow and I teamed up with our colleagues from across the Great Lakes region to send a bipartisan letter  to the Army Corps of Engineers requesting that they complete a realistic, accurate, and complete cost benefit analysis of Soo Locks. If the Poe Lock was closed, even temporarily, it could cause tremendous economic damage not only to Michigan but to our nation's economy. Click here to read the bipartisan, bicameral letter.

Cutting Red Tape, Growing The Economy, Increasing Opportunity

The tide is changing in Washington. For too long, bureaucrats prioritized the number of rules and regulations enacted ahead of how they affected the American people. Those days are over. Republicans in Congress are committed to getting our economy back on track, reining in bureaucrats across Washington, and reclaiming the proper constitutional role of the legislative branch.

I shared these thoughts on the opinion page of the Holland Sentinel on Sunday. To continue reading about the Congressional Review Act as well as the effort to cut red tape, strengthen the economy, and increase opportunity, click here.

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