The Huizenga Huddle: July 2, 2013 |
Celebrating Our Nation's Independence:
Later this week, friends and families along the Lakeshore, throughout West Michigan and across the country will gather at parades and barbecues to celebrate our nation's independence. Two hundred and thirty seven years after Thomas Jefferson authored one of the most definitive documents in history, America remains a beacon for freedom, opportunity, and justice. This Fourth of July, let us honor those who have served as well as those who continue to serve, both here at home and around the globe, to keep the beacon lit.
The Road Ahead: Immigration Reform
Last week, the Senate passed a massive 1,200 page immigration reform bill. That piece of legislation has been sent to the House, however it will not be voted on "as is." In fact, the House has been taking a much different approach on immigration reform than the Senate.
The following timeline lays out the House Judiciary Committee's step-by-step approach to reforming our nation’s immigration laws. The Judiciary Committee has embarked on a careful, methodical examination of the various components of our immigration system.
To date, the Committee has held numerous educational briefings for Members of Congress on our immigration laws, convened nearly a dozen hearings on immigration, and introduced and approved several bills that provide solutions to different aspects of our broken immigration system.
Committee Work
February 5th: the Judiciary Committee (JC) held a hearing titled: America's Immigration System: Opportunities for Legal Immigration and Enforcement of Laws against Illegal Immigration
February 26th: the JC Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security held a hearing titled: Agricultural Labor: From H-2A to a Workable Agricultural Guestworker Program
February 27th: the JC Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security held a hearing titled: How E-Verify Works and How it Benefits American Employers and Workers
March 5th: the JC Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security held a hearing titled: Enhancing American Competitiveness through Skilled Immigration
March 14th: the JC Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security held a hearing titled: The Separation of Nuclear Families under U.S. Immigration Law
May 16th: the JC Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security held a hearing titled: H.R. 1773, the "Agricultural Guestworker Act"
May 16th: the JC Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security held a hearing titled: H.R. 1772, the "Legal Workforce Act"
May 22nd: the Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled: S. 744 and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: Lessons Learned or Mistakes Repeated?
June 13th: the Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled: H.R. 2278, the "Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act" (The SAFE Act)
Legislative Action
June 18th: the House Judiciary Committee Approved an Interior Enforcement Bill
June 19th: the House Judiciary Committee Approved a Bill to Create a New Agricultural Guestworker Program
June 26th: the House Judiciary Committee Approved a Bill to Expand E-Verify Nationwide
June 27th: the House Judiciary Committee Approved a High-Skilled Immigration Bill
In The News:
- WWMT - VIDEO: We need immigration reform that secures our borders, improves our economy, & works for West Michigan
- WJR - AUDIO: It seems the Senate had to pass this 1,200 page bill to find out what's in it The House will be taking a much more methodical approach and not simply take up the Senate legislation "as is."
- WOOD Radio: Democrats in the Senate chose to turn student loans into a political football instead of providing solutions for hardworking West Michigan families.
In Case You Missed It:
- See how the House-passed Smarter Solutions Act would provide relief for Michigan students as well as taxpayers HERE.
Photo Contest:
We have gotten some great entries for the 2nd District Photo Contest. If you are traveling around the district for the 4th of July this is a great opportunity to showcase the history and beauty of West Michigan. You can participate by submitting landscape, monument, or landmark photos from across the 2nd District to potentially be featured on my website.
Please send photo submissions as an attachment to huizenga.photos@mail.house.gov and include your full name, the location of the picture, and the zip code to ensure the location is in the 2nd District.