The Huizenga Huddle
March 29, 2016
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U.S. Congressman Bill Huizenga
The Huizenga Huddle:  March 29, 2016

Do You Have Time For Coffee?

Join me tomorrow (Wednesday) at the Rainbow Grill in Grandville from 9:15 A.M. until 10 A.M. for a conversation about the latest legislative proposals being debated in Congress and how I am working to bring some West Michigan commonsense to Washington.

Rainbow Grill is located at 4158 Chicago Dr SW in Grandville.  I hope to see you there!

Confronting Terrorism

The attacks carried out in Brussels are a tragic and deadly reminder of the threats posed by terrorism that free people across the world face. We must show resolve and stand with our European allies in hunting down the individuals that committed these atrocities. Those who commit terror need to realize they will be brought to justice and held accountable for their actions. While details surrounding this tragedy continue to unfold, let us hold in our hearts and prayers the friends, families, and loved ones of those impacted by these deadly attacks.

Prior to the attack in Brussels, I supported House-passed legislation to recognize the persecution of Christians at the hands of ISIS as genocide and called on the Obama Administration to hold ISIS and the Assad Regime accountable for their crimes against humanity. 

Since the passage of this legislation, the Obama Administration announced that the atrocities ISIS has committed against Christians and other religious minorities constitute genocide. This recognition is an important first step. We cannot stand for religious freedom around the world and do nothing when radical terrorists slaughter innocent Christians because of their faith in Christ. The President must provide a detailed response plan to end this genocide. The United States must lead on protecting religious freedom.
Protecting Taxpayers, Stopping Foreign Bailouts

This past Tuesday, 
I questioned Treasury Secretary Jack Lew about the Obama Administration pushing the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to make fiscally risky loans to Greece. Greece later defaulted on one of these loans, potentially leaving American taxpayers on the hook for the loan.

This is completely irresponsible. To prevent this from happening in the future,  I introduced H.R. 4836, legislation to STOP these unsound bailouts, close the loopholes being exploited by the Obama Administration, and protect American taxpayers from footing the bill for the fiscal follies happening in the eurozone and elsewhere. To learn more about this important legislation and read the bill text, click here.
Defending The Constitution

For the first time in our nation's history, the House acted to protect the constitutional standing of the Legislative Branch by filing an amicus brief with the Supreme Court against the President's unconstitutional executive overreach. The Constitution is clear; the authority to make law resides within the Legislative Branch, not the Executive.

Recent actions by the Obama Administration have not only blurred the line on this important separation of power but have crossed it. By taking this unprecedented action, the House has gone on record to defend the principles of self-determination, self-government, and government by consent of the governed.

Speaker Ryan gave an excellent speech regarding precisely what is at stake if the Obama Administration and the unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats that serve it are able to disregard the Constitution. You can
watch the speech by clicking here.

The Badger Is Now A National Historic Landmark!

Last month, after nearly five years in bureaucratic limbo, the application submitted to have Ludington's S.S. Badger recognized as a National Historic Landmark has been approved!

This designation highlights not only the historical significance of the vessel but also underscores the economic importance of the Badger to the communities of Ludington and Manitowoc as well as the hardworking families and small businesses that have relied on this Great Lakes car ferry for generations.

I am happy to report that another generation of Michiganders will be able to experience and enjoy this piece of living history. Read more about
this historic designation in the Ludington Daily News.
Fed Reform Follow Up

As some of you may know, I have authored the most comprehensive plan to reform the Federal Reserve in Congress. This legislation is known as the FORM Act. It aims to strengthen the economy by requiring the Federal Reserve to develop a math-based approach to policy decisions, while also making the Fed more accountable and more transparent to the American people.

Earlier this month, the Hoover Institution at Stanford University featured a piece written by Dr. Allan Meltzer regarding the Federal Reserve and how it needs to change the manner in which it conducts monetary policy. In the piece, Dr. Meltzer specifically references the FORM Act as the key legislative proposal to do just that. I hope you will read this informative article on why the FORM Act is not only a strong legislative solution, but a necessary one as well. 

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