The Huizenga Huddle: October 30, 2015 |
Upcoming Telephone Town Hall
This coming Tuesday (November 3rd), I will be hosting a telephone town hall with residents across West Michigan from 7:00 P.M until 8:00 PM. Over the last month, there have been several significant developments ranging from the House selecting a new speaker to the President vetoing a bipartisan defense bill.
To participate in Tuesday's call, sign up here before noon on Monday. If you have already signed up for a telephone town hall, you do not need to sign up again. I look forward to hearing from you on Tuesday!
A New Speaker
Yesterday, the House elected Paul Ryan to become the Speaker of the House. No one knows how to effectively communicate the principles, policy, and vision for Republicans in the House of Representatives better than Paul Ryan.
Additionally, Paul is committed to reforming how the House operates by making it a more open and inclusive process. I believe Speaker Ryan can unify the Republican Conference behind a positive message that improves the quality of life for all Americans, and I look forward to working with him to achieve that.
Click here to watch Speaker Ryan's speech after being elected to the speakership.
Less Spending, More Manufacturing Jobs
On October 7th, President Obama signed into law the Federal Vehicle Repair Cost Savings Act of 2015, my bipartisan legislation with Senator Gary Peters, that saves taxpayer dollars by instructing federal agencies to use remanufactured parts when they are available at a cheaper price.
Currently, the federal government spends nearly a billion (with a b) dollars on maintaining the federal motor pool across the nation. My commonsense legislation will save millions of taxpayer dollars by simply making the bloated bureaucracy more accountable.
Another benefit of this legislation is that it has the potential to provide high-paying quality remanufacturing jobs right here in West Michigan, as well as other remanufacturing hubs across the nation.
While there is still much work that needs to be done, I am happy to report that I was able to reach across the aisle and get Democrats to not only reform government but actually cut spending as well!
You can read more about this cost saving remanufacturing legislation here.
President Obama Vetoes Bipartisan Defense Bill
On October 22nd, President Obama vetoed the bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act. The reason why the President did this was because he wanted more domestic spending. While not perfect, this military spending bill ensures our men and women in uniform have the necessary resources as they combat hostile forces and terrorists across the globe. Additionally, this important legislation includes a pay raise for our troops and makes it easier for them to save for their retirement.
Congressman Fred Upton and I wrote a piece that was published in the Holland Sentinel on Wednesday detailing why the President's partisan veto of this bipartisan military funding legislation is shameful.
A Bad Budget Deal
When will Washington wake up and realize that Americans across the country are tired of last minute deals that increase spending and fail to deliver fiscally responsible solutions? With our nation over $18 trillion in debt and climbing, Congress should be working to reduce spending, grow the economy, and get our nation’s fiscal house in order, not breaking budgetary caps to allow for more spending that mortgages our children’s future.
This misguided budget "agreement" eliminates several opportunities for the Republican-led congress to reduce spending during the remainder of the Obama presidency. This is one of the many reasons I voted against this bill.
The Michigan Minute