Huizenga Huddle
May 11, 2013
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U.S. Congressman Bill Huizenga
The Huizenga Huddle: May 11, 2013
Upcoming Events:
  • Today, I will be announcing the winner of the 2013 Congressional Art Competition at the Tri-Cities Historical Museum in Grand Haven. The museum is located at 200 Washington Ave. and the students' art work will be on display from 12 - 8 pm.  Admission to the museum is free and I encourage those interested to come out and take a look at the "Top-12" works of art submitted by high school students across the 2nd Congressional District. 
What's Happening In Washington:
  • H.R. 807 - Voted to prioritize payments in order to credibly and permanently remove any threat of default on the United States’ Treasury debt
  • This week I joined a working group examining the Endangered Species Act and how it can be improved for both the public and the endangered species
  • H.R. 1406 - Voted to give working parents greater flexibility within the workplace so they can spend more time with their children 
What's Happening In Michigan
In The News
  • Michigan's Morning Show - Huizenga: Americans deserve to know the truth about Benghazi 
  • Newsmax - Rep. Huizenga: State Department 'Hijacked' Truth on Benghazi
  • 1260 The Pledge - Huizenga talks Mother's Day, family, Benghazi, and reducing spending in Washington
  • WOOD TV 8 - Huizenga: The focus needs to be on cutting spending, not raising taxes
  • WHTC - Huizenga discusses bipartisan Dodd-Frank reform, S.S. Badger and Benghazi
Financial Services Update:
The Michigan Minute:
In Case You Missed It:
  • ABC News: Timeline shows Benghazi talking points scrubbed of terrorist attack reference
  • USA Today: Sequestration will not impact food safety inspection 

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