State of The Union:
This past Tuesday, President Obama came before Congress to give an update on the State of the Union. Unfortunately, we didn't hear much in the terms of new policy or a willingness to work with Congress. Instead, we heard the President double down on the notion that he has a pen and a phone, and is willing to circumvent the constitutional process. This is precisely the wrong approach to governing and is extremely counter-productive.
On Wednesday, I spoke with radio shows across Michigan to discuss how President Obama needs to find constitutional, constructive, and respectful ways to work with Congress similar to the approach President Gerald R. Ford took. Click the links to listen to the interviews on WJRW and Michigan Radio.
TUNE IN (or set the DVR) - This Sunday, I will be on "To The Point" with Rick Albin to further discuss the State of the Union and more. "To The Point" airs on WOOD-TV on Sunday at 10 AM.
Promoting A Culture Of Life:
On January 15th, I spoke on the House floor about the need to promote a culture of life. We must continue to fight for the unborn, but there's another story that needs to be told. That is the story of those children that we cannot forget, who need permanent loving homes. Adoption is something that is very important to not only me, but to families across West Michigan. I hope you will take the time to watch my speech on supporting life HERE.
On January 20th, I participated in the Right to Life March in Downtown Holland. It was great to see so many people brave the cold for such a worthy cause.
This past Tuesday, the House passed H.R. 7 - The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. This important piece of legislation codifies into law our nation's long-standing policy of not allowing taxpayer dollars to be used to pay for abortions. Additionally H.R. 7 also ensures ObamaCare tax credits cannot be used toward abortion services. I was proud to cast a vote in support of this legislation which passed the House by a vote of 227 to 188.
Turning Bipartisanship Into Legislative Success:
Despite the divide in Washington, it is possible to get things done. A couple weeks ago, my Small Business Mergers and Acquisitions legislation (H.R. 2274) passed the House unanimously by a vote of 422-0.
H.R. 2274 removes unnecessary regulatory hurdles so that small business owners are more easily able to sell their businesses. As baby boomers retire, $10 trillion worth of privately owned businesses are at stake - we want these businesses to be sold to the next generation of entrepreneurs, not closed. "One size fits all" regulation is currently causing small businesses to close their doors. This has a crippling impact on communities in terms of jobs and economic growth.
My legislation helps eliminate this burden and impacts businesses ranging from the mom-and-pop grocery store on the corner to small and medium manufacturers in towns across America.
Following the State of the Union, I spoke about my legislation and the need for more bipartisan solutions on CSPAN 2. Watch the 30 second video clip HERE.
Farm Bill:
On Wednesday, the House passed the conference report for the Farm Bill by a vote of 251 to 166. Agriculture is a vital part of Michigan's economy, and while the bill is far from perfect, it does make several serious, necessary, and significant reforms.
It cuts $23 billion in mandatory spending, enacts the first reforms to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since 1996, and roots out waste, fraud, and abuse by ensuring that illegal immigrants, lottery winners, and the deceased do not receive benefits.
Additionally, this legislation establishes a 10 state "welfare to work" pilot program for able-bodied adults. I encourage Michigan to apply to become a demonstration state for this program and promote self-sufficiency.
Snowmobile Tour
The 2014 Congressional Snowmobile Ride was a huge success! We had a great turn out at every stop on both the 18th and 19th of January. Thanks to everyone who came out to participate in the town halls, meet and greets and the ride itself. There was good food, great questions and amazing trails.
Here's a look at some of the pictures from the various stops along the ride
Michigan Minute:
West Michigan employment growth helps power Michigan's Comeback
Legislation to streamline small biz M&A unanimously passes U.S. House
Imagine if Washington just got out of the way - GVSU Study: 1,000 jobs lost in West Michigan due to Obamacare
ObamaCare limiting hours for employees and raising costs in Midland, Michigan
Grand Rapids-Wyoming ranked as the nation's 4th best place for home ownership
Mark S. Schlissel named 14th president of the University of Michigan