Huizenga Huddle
August 2, 2013
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U.S. Congressman Bill Huizenga
The Huizenga Huddle: August 2, 2013

Upcoming Town Hall Event:

On August 13th, I will be holding a town hall at Howard Miller Library in Zeeland.  The event will begin at 7:30 and I am looking forward to having a discussion about the latest topics being addressed in Washington including job creation, immigration, and tax and regulatory reform.

Be sure to stay tuned for additional town hall style events happening in other areas of the Second District as well!

What's Happening In Washington:

Removing Politics, Supporting Families, and Helping Students

On Wednesday, the House passed a market-based approach to student loans that lowers rates and removes the issue from becoming a political football in the future.  I am glad the Senate was able to come to understand the need for these reforms and I am proud to have supported this free market approach since the House originally passed legislation addressing student loans back in May.  The legislation passed by a vote of 392-31 and will now head to President Obama's desk for his signature. Read more about the bill HERE.

Protecting Privacy, Limiting Government, Stopping Abuse:

Last week I voted in support of Rep. Amash's amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill and even though the measure failed the debate will clearly continue.  While the NSA provides a necessary and important service in protecting the United States, it is the obligation of Congress to ensure that the Obama Administration's powers are kept in check. This vote reflects my regard for the privacy of Americans. I look forward to engaging in future debates on balancing privacy and security in the days ahead.

On Thursday, I voted in favor of the Stop Government Abuse Act. This legislation limits federal bonuses, outlines new requirements for Senior Executive Service members who are under investigation and put on leave, and lets citizens record conversations with executive branch federal employees. The Stop Government Abuse Act passed the House by a vote of 239-176.

Today, I voted in support of the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act. This legislation prevents the IRS from implementing or enforcing any part of President Obama’s health care law. The recent news of the IRS targeting citizens because of their political beliefs has raised serious concerns about how the IRS operates. It shouldn't matter if a person has an ideology that is left, right or center. The IRS is one of the most powerful agencies that can intervene in a person's daily life. It is vital they execute the law without discrimination.  Given the IRS' track record, I do not believe they should be given any more information about American citizens.  This legislation passed by a vote of 232-185.

Combating Terrorism, Protecting Americans at Home and Abroad:

Also on Wednesday, I voted in support of the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act. This legislation will strengthen sanctions already in place and provide President Obama with the necessary economic tools to pressure Iran to forgo its pursuit of nuclear weapons. The House passed this resolution 400 - 10.

In The News: 
  • Audio - On Holland's Hometown Station, 1450 WHTC, I talked about the need to address assault in the military and the bipartisan approach put forward to do so. Additionally we discussed the latest action on student loans and the need to address the cost of college going forward
  • Audio - On News Talk 760 WJR,  I discussed Grand Valley's first in the nation MP veterans program and how ObamaCare isn't ready for "Prime-Time"
  • Audio - On 1260 The Pledge, I spoke with Gene and Nancy about a myriad of topics including the major shift to a market-based approach on student loans and the need to reprioritize how the federal government allocates and spends taxpayer dollars
  • Video - The Holland Sentinel: Huizenga testifies about Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore before Congress
The Michigan Minute:

In Case You Missed It:
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