Dear Friend,
This week, the House voted on a resolution to establish budget reconciliation instructions. This will allow Congress to have constructive debates on the specific policies and programs that will be included in the budget.
There has been a lot of misinformation surrounding this resolution. This was not a vote on a budget itself, rather, it is a more general blueprint.
This resolution does not specify cuts to Medicaid or any other specific program. I want to be very clear. Critical programs like Medicaid should continue to support Americans, especially those mothers, children, disabled, blind, and others who need it most.
As we work to get our country back on the right fiscal track and make better use of taxpayer dollars, policymakers in Washington should be looking for bipartisan solutions to increase the well-being of Americans, promote upward mobility, and improve outcomes for families.
Passing the budget reconciliation instructions is the vital first step to providing American workers, middle-class families, and small businesses with the tax relief they need. Without this resolution, our economy and Southwest Michigan will face the largest tax increase in the modern era. In fact, the average American taxpayer would see a 22% increase in their tax burden, and 6 million jobs would be lost, according to the House Ways and Means Majority Committee. This is unacceptable.
This process creates a massive opportunity to increase take-home pay while also addressing the reckless spending that is fueling our national debt crisis.
In light of this, I want to hear from you: