Our nation’s lack of long-term budgeting combined with record levels of out-of-control spending means that on Wednesday, America passed $15 trillion in debt – reaching nearly 99 percent of our economy.
This dubious landmark should signal one thing only: That is far past time the federal government pays down America’s unsustainable debt burden and learns to tighten its belt just like American families have had to.
This week, U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga, MI-02, will join the House in voting on a Balanced Budget Amendment, H.J. Res. 2.
On the immediate need to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment, Huizenga said: “I was sent here as part of a record freshman class to deliver the message that America wants restored economic security, it wants to give small businesses confidence again to grow, invest, and most importantly - hire. That’s why I strongly support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. If we want to show we’ve learned from the sins of the past and make permanent changes to federal spending habits — that cannot be undone by future Congresses—a constitutional amendment is the only answer,” Huizenga said. “West Michigan families, small businesses, and 49 of our states have to balance their budgets. Why shouldn’t the federal government?”
On H.J.Res. 2, Huizenga said, “H.J. Res. 2 is the first step towards restoring fiscal sanity to America. Ideally, the House would vote on a BBA that would also require a GDP percentage cap and super majority to raise tax rates. But once we pass H.J. Res. 2, we can start the longer discussion of how the government can better budget and plan its fiscal future. It is my hope that from here, we can move toward stronger fiscal reins.”
Click here to see further remarks by Rep. Huizenga on the House Floor this morning in support of House passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment: