Huizenga Huddle
November 5, 2013
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U.S. Congressman Bill Huizenga
The Huizenga Huddle: Nov. 5, 2013

What's Happening In Washington: 

ObamaCare has been front and center both in Congress and in the media, but I wanted to update you on some of my legislative priorities that are being passed with bipartisan support in the House which will help Michigan families, veterans and job creation. 

Promoting The Great Lakes, Dredging Harbors, Boosting Michigan's Economy

On October 23rd, the House passed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA), by a significant bipartisan vote of 417 to 3.

Many people don't realize the impact our waterways have on travel, trade, and transportation. Even if you don't live along the lake shore, WRRDA has an impact on you. Click on the picture below to watch a short video detailing just how much of an impact our nation's waterways have on our every day lives.

WRRDA includes legislative language introduced by myself, Dr. Dan Benishek from Northern Michigan and Rep. Candice Miller who represents the "thumb" of Michigan. This language classifies the Great Lakes Navigation System as a "unified body" and will improve the dredging of harbors across the Great Lakes, help shorten the dredging backlog for Michigan harbors, and boost economic activity for both recreational and commercial harbors.

Instead of having every harbor in the Great Lakes compete against one another, this will allow them to join together and compete against other waterways across the country as a group. Read my full statement on this important legislation HERE.

Supporting Our Veterans
  • H.R. 2189 would establish a task force charged with examining the root causes of the Department of Veterans Affairs disability claims backlog and providing solutions for ending it by 2015. This bill passed the House by a vote of 404 -1.
  • Using the VA’s existing resources, H.R. 2481 - The Veterans Economic Opportunity Act of 2013, would establish an Economic Opportunity Administration within the VA, enabling the department to better focus on veterans’ transition to civilian life. This bill passed unanimously.
  • H.R. 1405 would require the VA secretary to include an appeals form along with any benefits-denial notification, institute key reforms to VA’s fiduciary program and provide honorary veterans status and benefits to members of the National Guard and Reserves. This bill passed unanimously.
  • H.R. 2011 would extend the term of a special veteran students advisory committee for two years. This legislation passed 404-2.

Thanking Local Leaders

On Wednesday, I took to the House floor to thank retiring Grandville Mayor Jim Buck for his commitment and service not just to Grandville, but to all of West Michigan. Thanks to Mayor Buck's leadership, Grandville is a wonderful place to do business, visit, and most importantly live. Click on the picture below to watch the tribute to Mayor Buck.

ObamaCare Update

This past week, local media outlets in West Michigan have run stories detailing the impact of ObamaCare on people who are losing their insurance due to ObamaCare.  Be sure to click the links below to watch the full news coverage and listen to the audio. 
  • WOOD TV 8 (Video): Despite Presidential Promises, shocked West Michigan residents learn they cannot keep their insurance
  • WZZM (Video): 26 year old's insurance cancelled because of ObamaCare, replacement plan triple the price 
  • WJRW (Audio): On Thursday I spoke with Dave Jaconette to discuss the cost increases tied to ObamaCare,  the security concerns with,  and the cancellation notices West Michigan families are receiving because of ObamaCare
Nationally, the media has finally begun to pay attention to the serious problems and flaws with the President's health care law.
  • NBC News: Obama Administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance
  • CBS News: ObamaCare: Memo reveals health care adviser warned W.H. was losing control 3 years ago, instead of addressing concerns W.H. became secretive about the law's complexity and regulatory reach
  • CNN: Government memo warned of high security risk at health care website

Financial Services Update:

Last Tuesday, I got a little fired up during a Financial Services Hearing on the Federal Housing Authority (FHA). We need to rein in FHA.  It has expanded well beyond it's intended mission.  Click on the picture below to watch my back and forth with FHA Commissioner Carol Galante

  • Washington Times: A bipartisan rollback of Dodd-Frank is overdue, difficult, and possible
  • Los Angeles Times: As stimulus tab rises for Fed, worries grow it may require a bailout
  • Detroit News: The Jekyll & Hyde nature of unaccountable bureaucrats at the CFPB should raise concerns

Michigan Minute
  • Did you see it?  "The Peanut Store" was featured right before halftime of the Michigan vs. Michigan State game

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