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Huizenga Op-Ed: In Search Of Willing Dance Partner

Yesterday, the Holland Sentinel published an op-ed by Congressman Huizenga discussing the actions taken by the House in an attempt to prevent the government shutdown from happening and the bipartisan action taken by the Republican-led House to get the federal government up and running again.  

Below are excerpts from the op-ed which is available in its entirety on the Holland Sentinel's website HERE.

On Sunday, The Holland Sentinel wrote an editorial calling on elected officials to bridge America’s current fiscal divide — the problem is The Sentinel didn’t acknowledge one chamber in Congress is already doing the very thing they called for.

First and foremost, let’s put to rest this notion that a “clean continuing resolution” actually exists. What the Senate passed is a spending increase. The leadership in the Senate is trying to pull the wool over the watchful eyes in West Michigan by claiming it passed a “clean” spending bill.

The number the Senate has put forward was originally attached to various pieces of House legislation in exchange for delaying portions of Obamacare. 


In fact, the Senate went a step further by not only refusing to negotiate but also stripping what they didn’t like from the bill while keeping what they liked — more spending.


Since the shutdown, the House has acted in a bipartisan fashion to reopen the government in a step-by-step approach. 

  • 23 Democrats voted with Republicans to reopen national parks, memorials and monuments (Oct. 2).
  • 35 Democrats voted with Republicans honoring our promise to give veterans the benefits they earned (Oct. 3).
  • 36 Democrats voted with Republicans to pay our National Guard and Army Reserve personnel (Oct. 3).
  • 23 Democrats voted with Republicans to make sure funds are available to provide disaster relief (Oct. 4).
  • 22 Democrats voted with Republicans to ensure proper funding for nutrition assistance to low-income pregnant women, new mothers, infants, and young children  (Oct. 4).
  • 189 Democrats voted with Republicans to provide for the compensation of federal employees furloughed during the shutdown (Oct. 5).
  • 20 Democrats voted with Republicans to fund the Food and Drug Administration (Oct. 7).
  • 23 Democrats voted with Republicans to ensure funding is available to Head Start for low-income children (Oct. 8).


What is missing is a willing dance partner. Our system requires the Senate to function and address legislation sent to it by the House. The chambers are equal bodies. Tabling motions, not putting forward serious solutions, and refusing to negotiate are neither positions of strength nor examples of leadership. West Michigan deserves better and The Sentinel is right to call for “action rather than political paralysis,” but let’s make sure the residents of Holland get the full story.

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