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Huizenga: House CR Is Good For The Economy, Good For Michigan

Tonight, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) released the following statement after voting in favor of the continuing resolution to fund the federal government. The legislation passed this evening by the House eliminates the job-destroying medical device tax, delays ObamaCare's implementation for one year and ensures our men and women in uniform are funded in the event that Senate Democrats fail to act and force a government shutdown:

"Tonight, the House has again acted to keep the federal government functioning. This continuing resolution also includes two measures to protect Americans from the negative impacts of ObamaCare. While the Administration acts as if everything is 'a-ok' with the President's health care law, their actions speak louder than their words. Missing deadline after deadline, failing to ensure privacy concerns are met, and granting exemptions to the politically connected while Main Street is forced to contend with increasing costs, all clearly demonstrate that ObamaCare isn't ready for prime-time.

"Secondly, in West Michigan we have felt the chilling negative impact of ObamaCare's medical device tax firsthand. Stryker Corporation, based in Kalamazoo announced that because of this tax, it would be forced to lay off more than 1,000 employees and according to news reports will owe the federal government nearly $100 million this year alone. Making matters worse, ObamaCare will cost Stryker 20% of its total research and development budget, jeopardizing future medical advances and good paying jobs right here in Michigan.

"Repealing this job-destroying medical device tax will boost Michigan's recovery and ensure a path for future job creation, innovation, and scientific research in West Michigan.

"Finally, both of the measures included in the continuing resolution have had strong bipartisan support in the past. It's time for Senate Democrats to put down the political football, put their constituents first, and stop threatening to shut down the government."
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