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Grand Rapids Press: Huizenga Calls on Attorney General Holder To Resign

AG Eric Holder a 'distraction' after scandals, should resign, Rep. Bill Huizenga says

MLive - Grand Rapids Press - Zane McMillin -May 30, 2013 

GRAND RAPIDS, MI — Embattled U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder should resign after multiple scandals rocked his department, Rep. Bill Huizenga said Wednesday.

Huizenga, R-Zeeland, shared that sentiment during a live chat in MLive's Grand Rapids hub, where he discussed recent legislation he introduced and other issues.

He had a harsh rebuke for Holder, who's come under fire in recent weeks after a succession of scandals came to light.

Among them are the Justice Department's seizure of "thousands" of Associated Press phone records as part of an investigation into intelligence leaks to the press.

Holder also has been dragged into the fray over the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead.

What's more, scrutiny mounted over what some deemed a conflict of interest when Holder announced an investigation into the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative and other groups filing for tax-exempt status.

Here are some snippets from Wednesday's live chat. To view it in its entirety, click here.

On the executive branch scandals: "I believe that these are serious issues that will unfold over time. We cannot rush to judgment without knowing the facts but so far the facts have been damning. Whether it is Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the raid on the AP phone records or the IRS scandal this administration has been less than open and forth right. Personally, I believe that AG Holder is a 'distraction' (at best) and should resign."

On the IRS scandal specifically: "This is a huge issue b/c when our government is using enforcement tools against it's citizens in an unfair, imbalanced way we must investigate. There are a number of committees working on this issue as we speak - or type - and they must be thorough. That will take a little time but we need to make sure it is done right. I do believe that this may prompt a total rework of our tax code. I personally like the Flat Tax which is simple and fair."

On legislation he introduced last week regarding prison labor: "Anytime you have government (local, state or federal) competing with private industry there needs to be an overwhelming reason with huge amounts of caution. Unicor is a federal company that competes directly with small and medium sized businesses. They use a no-bid, mandatory sourcing law that forces DoD for example. I believe there should be a level playing field and Unicor should at a minimum compete, not just get automatic approvals for contracts."

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